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is an event organized by the “Rassegna del Documentario e della Comunicazione Archeologica” of Licodia Eubea in collaboration with the company Fine Art Produzioni which produced, between 2010 and 2019, the five films that are presented during this film festival which takes place entirely in streaming on the StreamCult platform from 26 December 2020 to 5 January 2021.



L’Eremo di Santa Febronia. I luoghi, il culto, la memoria.
Saturday 26 December, 21:30

“I visited the Hermitage of Santa Febronia. She suffered a more cruel martyrdom than any other saint. She had his eyes gouged out, his teeth torn out, his breasts cut off; it was slashed under a wheel fitted with sharp blades; stoned, boiled, roasted and finally burned like so many other saints. I had nothing to oppose to the hermits who told me about these sufferings while weeping ”. (J. Houel).
The cult of a saint of oriental origins, the devotion of the people who still celebrate her memory today, frame the archaeological area of ​​the Coste di Santa Febronia. The rock hermitage, its topographical location, between the Plain of Catania and the last offshoot of the Iblei Mountains, the rich chronological stratification, make this place one of the most evocative and mysterious in Sicily.

Production: Fine Art Produzioni
Year: 2010
Director: Lorenzo Daniele
Shots and Photography: Mauro Italia
Soundtrack: Claudio Bennardo
Scientific Advice: Archeorama – Amedit – Alessandra Cilio
Duration: 27 minutes


Occhiolà, un presepe dei monti Erei
Sunday 27 December, 21:30

“January 1693. One of the most violent earthquakes in history strikes south-eastern Sicily. The earth tears apart and swallows everything in the Val di Noto: people, houses, entire villages. Among these is Occhiolà, a peasant village in the hinterland of Catania , on the slopes of the Erei Mountains. Three centuries later archaeological research brought to light the remains of that place, discovering the traces of an interrupted life among the rubble and debris. Among the finds, a small hand-modeled nativity scene, seal of the last throb of village life. Who shaped those statuettes, who owned them? A journey back in time, set in a lively Occhiolà, among houses, winding streets and churches dominated by a medieval castle. A history whose origins are lost in a lon past tano, in which Greeks and Indigenous people take on the appearance of myth in the eyes of a carusu and his old ceramist, his teacher, who tells him of statues made with mud, beautiful and smiling, of dead men in jars, of glorious ancestors. “

Production: Fine Art Produzioni in collaboration with the Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia dell’Università di Catania
Director: Lorenzo Daniele
Year: 2011
Shots and DOP: Mauro Italia
Soundtrack: Giuseppe Severini – Carmelo Siciliano
Scientific Advice: Massimo Frasca – Andrea Patanè – Marco Camera – Alessandra Cilio
Duration: 35 minutes


Storie dalla sabbia. La Libia di Antonino Di Vita
Wednesday 30 December, 21:30

“Sixties: Libya was changing its skin in those years. Modernity and tradition were measured, clashed. A world was changing and I had the privilege of being a witness. Every day he gave me a new piece to think about. I learned to look at the reality in which I moved without judging, without placing myself on the ground of a declared diversity. I learned a lot from the most diverse people”.
Libya, yesterday and today, filtered through the memories of one of the greatest protagonists of Mediterranean archeology, Professor Antonino Di Vita.

Production: Università degli Studi di Macerata and Fine Art Produzioni Srl
Year: 2014
Director: Lorenzo Daniele
Subject: Maria Antonietta Rizzo, Alessandra Cilio, Lorenzo Daniele
Photography and Editing: Mauro Italia
Soundtrack: Saro Tribastone
Duration: 31 minutes


Tà gynaikeia. Cose di donne.
Saturday 2 January, 21:30

A   photographer   from   Palermo, a   winemaker   from   Ragusa,   an   elderly   woman   from   Enna,   a   novelist   from Agrigento,   a   young   archaeologist   from   Gela,   a   famous   actress   from   Catania.   What   links   these   persons?   The   fact of   being   women   and   Sicilian.   Their   stories   are   fragments   of   a   single   story,   which   keeps   the   heritage   of   Sicily,   an absolutely   ‘female’   land.   This   is   testified   by   a   great   variety   of   myths,   legends   and   cults   related   to   women, which   have   alternated   and   partly   overlapped   through   time,   becoming   a   cohesive   force   for   all   the   peoples   who occupied and still occupy this island.

Production: Fine Art Produzioni srl
Duration: 52 minutes
Year: 2015
Director: Lorenzo   Daniele  
Photography: Vittorio   Daniele, Mauro   Italia
Shots and Editing: Mauro   Italia
Soundtrack: Saro Tribastone,   Marilena  Fede


Sicilia Grand Tour 2.0
Tuesday 5 January, 21:30

Giorgio, a young university student, finds old volumes in the library: they are full of papers, sketches and drawings. They are full of stories. The boy is so fascinated by the story that Jean Houel, a French architect of the eighteenth century, manages to weave Sicily, who decides to explore this island, making his guide of the “Voyage pittoresque de Isle de Sicilie de Malte de Lipari”. In this way he will discover that the words of Houel, who defined Sicily as “the most curious place in the universe”, are still true today.
To make the experience unique and contemporary, the encounter with the locals, which offers the boy the opportunity to observe places and phenomena from different angles, capturing all the facets.

Production: Fine Art Produzioni srl
Durata: 90 minutes
Year: 2019
Written by: Alessandra Cilio
Director: Giorgio Italia
Photography and Editing: Mauro   Italia